Atlantic Regional Communists

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Coffee With Communists Jan 26 Feb 23 Mar 30 2025

About Us

Atlantic Regional Communists (ARC) is a group founded in 2022 as a Marxist-Leninist organization operating primarily in what are currently the Atlantic Provinces of the Canadian state. We are committed to building and supporting a proletarian and anti-colonialist revolutionary movement in this territory with the goal of a transition into socialism under the dictatorship of the proletariat.

As scientific socialists, ARC understands economic relations develop and influence the social and political structures, behaviours, and relations of a given society; however humanity has agency to change. Structures, behaviours, and relations within a society affect one another and also shape and condition economic relations. Through investigation and practice, humanity can turn from the present colonial and capitalist reality and move toward a future free of these old relations of domination.

ARC opposes all forms of exploitation and seeks to help unite the working classes and oppressed peoples of the world to build a global communist society. All Marxist-Leninists must fully oppose any form of racism, anti-Indigeneity, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, national chauvinism—particularly settler chauvinism—, classism, and any other expression of bigotry and oppression.

ARC also opposes revisionist and counter-revolutionary tendencies which, intentionally or not, turn the working classes’ attention away from the necessity of revolutionary organizing and action.

ARC does not view itself as the vanguard nor does it seek to unilaterally assert itself as the vanguard. Such a party can only emerge through unifying advanced politically conscious elements, developing logistical capacity, and struggling alongside the masses against exploiters and oppressors. As such, ARC views itself as a means to practice the processes of unity and struggle which will assist in the emergence of the vanguard party.

For a quick overview of Marxism see our document Why Marxism?.
For more in-depth reading refer to our publications page.